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Healthcare Facilities
- Asbestos
Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that was once used for insulation in commercial properties and housing. However, these minerals have been discovered to have adverse health effects.
- Indoor Air Quality
Argus has extensive experience helping building and facility managers evaluate and resolve indoor environmental quality issues.
- Environmental Site Assessment
We have experience working with commercial real estate to test the range of contaminants within the scope of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act and petroleum products.
- Lead Based Paint
Argus can guide you through the requirements of the many regulatory agencies that need to address a building's exterior and interior painted surfaces.
- Mold
Argus Environmental is licensed as a Mold Assessment Company and has extensive experience in removing mold successfully.
- Pre-Purchase
The goal of a property condition assessment is to identify and communicate physical deficiencies to our client. This makes sure that the property is safe and follows guidelines.
- Thermal Imaging
Our unique patented thermal imaging system is a powerful diagnostic tool. It is used to investigate damage or machine malfunctions without having to break anything down.
- Training
Argus Environmental specializes in creating occupational and environmental safety training programs in a variety of disciplines. These include maintenance, repair, and safety.
- Safety
Argus Environmental specializes in providing written safety plans for commercial clients in all areas of manufacturing, construction, demolition, and renovation.
- USP 797
USP standards are set to help companies and employers stick to well-known, scientifically sound procedures and practices, and keep the quality and consistence of FDA approved medications.
- JCAHO Audits
Joint Commission for the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations audits and consulting
- Industrial Hygiene
This area covers the analysis of company's industrial and manufacturing processes. This applies to all potential workers' exposure to hazards.